Expertise and cost effective aeronautical engineering consulting

In Praemisit we offer aeronautical engineering consulting solutions on several technical disciplines allowing the companies to challenge new opportunities.

We count on a staff and a network with a long professional career in aeronautical engineering and with an excellent track record within the competent Authorities. We hold a holistic view of Initial Airworthiness issues including Flight Testing, as well as its links with other technical fields within aeronautical regulation.

Initial Airworthiness

Within the aviation industry, an extremely regulated and highly specialized sector, a thorough knowledge of Initial Airworthiness issues and a proper approach is an increasing value asset for the Authorities which rely more on operators, engineering companies, Design Organization Approvals holders (DOA and/or APDOA) and Production Organization Approvals (POAs).

How we help companies through Initial Airworthiness


Office of Airworthiness capabilities to support and/or complete your Design or Production Organization.


Certification Verification Engineer (CVE) capabilities in several technical disciplines.


Guide any type of certification process or challenging project on airplanes or helicopters.


Develop plans to obtain an Organization Approval effectively and efficiently based on current company capabilities to start enjoying the delegated privileges as soon as possible.

Flight Testing

Our Flight testing organization is aimed mainly at holders of a Design Organization Approval that want to challenge type certification processes with helicopters and airplanes. It could be extended to any company such as a maintenance organization or operator that wants to review any handling, human factor or performance issue of an aircraft.

How we help companies through Flight Testing


Flight Test Organization (FTO) lead by a senior flight test engineer with a highly experienced team: CVEs, flight test engineers, and  flight test pilots, both in fixed and rotary-wing aircraft.


Allowing our customers to add to their terms of approval flight test competencies of Category 1 and Category 2 at a more affordable cost.


Manage and develop efficiently and safely a flight test campaign to provide objective and substantiated conclusions.


If we are involved since the beginning, relevant inputs for the design team can be provided to improve the solution design from the operation point of view.

Collaboration with Authorities to deliver the best

All our consulting activities are validated at the end of the process by or under the monitoring scheme of the most relevant Airworthiness Authorities and Technical Bodies.

In Praemisit we build bridges through values

We are passionate about aviation. Based on our integrity, we build collective working partnerships with our customers and go beyond expectations.



We, with our excellent network, have enough expertise to go straight to the point.



We believe in human relationships; we believe in people. Transparency is key for us.



We have total trust in you so you can totally trust us.



We are aware of the value of information developed by our customers over the years.

Let's face new challenges together

Contact us and share what you do need. We’ll tell you how we can help you and collaborate to find the best solution.

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